* 20th july,2020 is the begin of our love.
* so I write this day to Webpage and record every second of our love..
Boy i = new Boy("Lisonggeng");
Girl u = Seraphic Girl("Maxiaonan");
// July 20, 2020, I kiss u in the Huhehaote.
// Although I was on a business trip, we were together..
// Luckily, you accepted and became my girlfriend eversince.
// Since then, I miss u every day.
// And take care of u and our love.
i.take Care Of(u);
// While we are not in the same place.
// but I know that our hearts are together.
// I love you, and you just love me, that would be enough.
// Although I have been waiting for four years.
// we are together,You are the apple of my eye.
everything only i can do for you = i am yours;
I want you to believe me, believe in yourself;
I'll give your my all life;
// I hope we can together until 12020 years
// I will follow you, till end of the day
i love you;
// Maybe you are just one of millions in the world, but fairies, you're the whole world.I love you. It's not because you make me happy, or make me unique, or you are the sweetest person ever. Love for you needs no reasons at all.
i live Happily With u;
马晓楠, 有你真好 \(^o^)/;
Fairies, This is the first time we're together
You light up my life
-- Chimpanzee